100% Client Retention and 40% Productivity Increase Made Possible

by WorkBetterNow Remote Professionals

Key Results

The Opportunity: Leveraging Nearshore Talent to Drive Strategic Growth Initiatives

Daniel Todd, CEO of Influence Mobile, found out firsthand. In late 2022, Todd innovated a new service to engage Influence Mobile’s high-spend clients, with the ultimate goal of doubling the length of their engagement. To pull it off would require trying something new and investing in a special team.

At the same time, key members of the Influence Mobile team were spending more time on administrative tasks, and less time applying their expertise to furthering their business goals. To continue growing and serving their customers, they needed to be able to delegate time-intensive tasks. 

An initial hire from WorkBetterNow to coordinate travel logistics revealed opportunities for strategic growth. This prompted Todd to add six more WorkBetterNow remote professionals in administrative and creative roles in less than a year.

Solution: Focus on Client Retention and Enhance Efficiency With Nearshore Talent

Initially, Todd hired a single assistant from WBN to coordinate and execute travel arrangements for an upcoming team meeting. This remote professional’s value was evident from the start, and Todd quickly found more opportunities for his assistant to help his broader team delegate tasks. From there, he saw the potential of hiring more remote professionals to achieve a bigger strategic goal: To nurture relationships with high-value clients to increase retention rates.

Since then, Influence Mobile has hired seven full-time WBN remote professionals to manage everything from executing administrative tasks for VPs and supporting customer service representatives to shaping a new way to increase customer loyalty and bring in millions of dollars in additional revenue.

Results: 100% Retention Rate, a 40% Increase in Productivity, and More

Within its first six months, Influence Mobile’s new high-spend client retention program achieved a 100% retention rate — an accomplishment directly attributable to the personalized attention and detailed service from WorkBetterNow remote professionals. Todd says the new program has the potential to “generate us tens of millions of dollars a year in additional revenue.” 

Not only were these remote professionals brought on to grow a new service offering, but they also took on tasks with ownership and creativity, enabling the program to scale far beyond initial expectations. As such, it’s been a huge success, “it’s very realistic that we will have shot past our 2024 goal. That’s believable,” says Todd. 

When it comes to efficiency gains, one specific highlight is the virtual assistant supporting the VP of Engineering. The administrative tasks of scheduling meetings and other paperwork were overriding this executive’s ability to be meaningfully productive on the one-on-ones with his developers. His inability to effectively manage his team due to his administrative workload was at a breaking point, until he was supported by a WBN virtual assistant. After his virtual assistant was onboarded, he experienced a 40% boost in productivity. He was also able to concentrate on nurturing his growing team of developers, which directly contributed to employee retention.

100% retention rate

An accomplishment directly attributable to the personalized attention and detailed service from WorkBetterNow remote professionals.

40% Productivity Boost

By hiring a WBN assistant to take on administrative tasks allowing him to concentrate on nurturing his growing team of developers, which directly contributed to employee retention.

A Proven Talent Partner

WBN has become Influence Mobile's talent partner, currently providing the services of 7 WBN professionals who are now crucial to operations, handling both administrative and creative tasks.

“The new retention program powered by WBN remote professionals has the potential to generate us tens of millions of dollars a year in additional revenue.”

– Daniel Todd l CEO, Influence Mobile

Imagine What’s Possible With Nearshore Talent From WorkBetterNow

Influence Mobile’s experience with WorkBetterNow virtual assistants and remote professionals shows the potential of leveraging the talents of nearshore professionals. From expertly managing administrative work to increasing client satisfaction and loyalty, Influence Mobile’s remote professionals have changed the game. And at a fraction of the cost. “If you’re a remote work company and you’re not using this price leverage, it’s crazy. You’re hurting yourself,” says Todd. 

Inspired by Influence Mobile’s success? WorkBetterNow can make it happen for you. Schedule a 15-minute consultation today to find out how.

Transforming Business Operations

The process of interviewing and hiring WBN candidates was smooth and efficient. After hiring our first assistant, we quickly expanded to another, and within three months, we had six assistants working across three different teams. Each member of the team is doing great, and WBN has become our go-to source for outstanding talent as I consider adding new roles.

Daniel Todd

CEO | Influence Mobile

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