Frequently Asked Questions

About WorkBetterNow?

How does WorkBetterNow ensure the quality of remote professionals?

WorkBetterNow’s solid employer brand attracts over 4000 applications each month. We maintain high-quality remote professional standards through a rigorous screening process that includes multiple interviews, skills assessments, and thorough background checks. Additionally, our Success Coaches continuously monitor performance and satisfaction, ensuring consistent and high-quality service delivery to all our clients. 

Can you clarify difference between a Remote Professional (RP) and a Virtual Assistant (VA)?  

All of the talent working for our clients are referred to as Remote Professionals or WBN Professionals. We provide over 40 roles include virtual assistants and executive assistants. Learn more about the distinctions in our Related blog

Hiring More RPs

What types of roles can WorkBetterNow provide?

WBN clients turn to us because we provide a diverse range of over 40+ roles, including but not limited to:

  • Executive assistant
  • Accounting and admin 
  • Operations and logistics 
  • Marketing and business development  
  • Project management
  • And so many more  

Note that clients also turn to us for unique roles such as CRM Manager or Lead Generation Specialist. Set up a consult to help you determine your best next hire. 

Can I request a specific type of remote professional (RP) not listed in your standard roles?

Absolutely. If you’re seeking a specialist not highlighted in our usual offerings, just let us know. Our network is extensive, enabling us to help find talent for unique or specialized roles. It’s important to note that our focus is on entry to mid-level professionals. For highly specialized positions, we’ll be transparent about our capacity to meet your specific requirements, ensuring we align with your needs effectively. 

Do you offer tiered pricing for hiring more than one remote professional?

Yes, here are our pricing tiers:

  • 1 RP: $2350
  • 2 RPs: $2300 each*
  • 3-5 RPs: $2250 each*
  • 6+ RPs: $2200 each*

*Please note that these rates are effective only if paid by automated ACH. 


Working With WorkBetterNow

Who are my points of contact (POCs) at WorkBetterNow?

Your main contact at WorkBetterNow is your Client Consultant, who handles all your administrative and contract-related questions.  

Additionally, you have a Success Coach who ensures your collaboration with your Remote Professional (RP) is smooth and productive. You can rely on your Success Coach to address any concerns or challenges, offer strategies for effective communication and workflow management, provide insights and tips for maximizing productivity, and facilitate any necessary interventions or adjustments to improve performance. They work closely together to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

How does WorkBetterNow support the upskilling and reskilling of remote professionals?

To ensure our talent remains on the cutting edge, we offer various upskilling and reskilling opportunities tailored to meet evolving market demands and enhance their professional development. This commitment not only boosts the capabilities of our Remote Professionals and clients but expands the services they provide, directly benefiting our clients. For more insights and strategies on effectively upskilling or reskilling your team, check out our detailed post here. 

How can I foster high productivity and engagement with my Remote Professional?

Encouraging productivity and engagement with your Remote Professional is similar to managing any employee. Here’s how you can foster a productive and engaged remote work environment: 

  • Set clear, measurable goals and provide regular feedback. 
  • Encourage open communication and schedule regular check-ins. 
  • Recognize and appreciate their contributions and achievements. 
  • Offer opportunities for professional growth and development. 

For more insights and strategies on boosting productivity with your Remote Professional, explore our detailed post here. 

How do you address concerns about security and protecting confidential information? 

At WorkBetterNow, we prioritize the security of your confidential information and suggest treating your Remote Professional like any other member of your remote-working team. Here are some best practices we offer: 

  • Internet: Encourage the use of a VPN for encrypted internet connections and strong WiFi passwords. Consider separating the RP’s computer network from other devices. 
  • Data: Store documents and data on secure servers or cloud-based storage. Limit RP access to necessary information only. 
  • Passwords & Access: Ensure each RP has unique login credentials and encourage the use of password managers. Enforce strong password policies and consider implementing multi-factor authentication for added security. 
  • Email Security: Remind RPs to verify sender legitimacy and avoid sharing sensitive information via email. 
  • Hardware: Instruct RPs to turn off or reboot computers daily, install updates promptly, and use malware protection and antivirus software on RP computers. Use modern operating systems to mitigate security risks. 

For detailed guidelines and assistance with software or hardware setup, please refer to our Best Practices In IT Security For Your Remote Professionals. Additionally, we recommend collaborating with your MSP or IT professional to tailor these practices to your specific needs. 

Managing Your Remote Professional

Should I be tracking my remote professional’s hours?

While it’s important to have an understanding of your RP’s workload and ensure they’re meeting your project needs, we encourage focusing on output and results rather than strictly monitoring hours. This approach promotes trust and autonomy, which are key to a successful remote working relationship. That said, some clients do track time and many receive “end of day” reports from their RPs. If you have specific concerns about productivity or hours worked, please discuss them with your Success Coach. 

How can I foster high productivity and engagement with my Remote Professional?

Encouraging productivity and engagement with your Remote Professional is similar to managing any employee. Here’s how you can foster a productive and engaged remote work environment: 

  • Set clear, measurable goals and provide regular feedback. 
  • Encourage open communication and schedule regular check-ins. 
  • Recognize and appreciate their contributions and achievements. 
  • Offer opportunities for professional growth and development. 

For more insights and strategies on boosting productivity with your Remote Professional, explore our detailed post here. 

Can I give my remote professional a bonus?

Certainly! Many of our clients choose to give their Remote Professionals a bonus when they’re pleased with their performance. We fully support this gesture as it’s an excellent way to acknowledge their hard work and dedication. Plus, it’s very easy to do. Here is a guide on how we can help you with that process.

What is WorkBetterNow's vacation and paid time off policy for Remote Professionals?

At WorkBetterNow, our vacation policy is designed to support our Remote Professionals (RPs) while ensuring uninterrupted service for our clients. RPs are entitled to 5 business days off after 6 months and an additional 5 days after 1 year. They can also choose to take all 10 days at once after their first anniversary. During these periods, we provide a part-time replacement to ensure seamless operations. It’s important to note that these vacation days, along with 4 additional holidays/personal days per year, are fully paid and included in the monthly fee. To use their holidays/personal days, RPs should notify both the client and their WBN Success Coach at least one month in advance, allowing us to approve their request and maintain smooth operations during their absence. 

Replacing Your Remote Professional

What happens if things with my Remote Professional aren't working out?

Because of our thorough screening and matching processes, it’s rare for an RP not to meet expectations. However, if the experience with an RP is less than stellar, consider the following indicators that it might be time to replace your RP: 

  1. Consistent Performance Issues: If there are ongoing performance problems despite interventions and support from your Success Coach. 
  1. Skill Misalignment: If there’s a significant mismatch between the RP’s skills and your project requirements. 
  1. Communication Challenges: If persistent communication issues are affecting project outcomes. 

We encourage you to discuss any concerns with your Success Coach to explore all available options before making a decision. This ensures that every possible solution is considered to improve the situation. 


What is your service cancellation policy? 

Our cancellation policy is straightforward. Once you start using our services, it’s on a month-to-month basis. If you decide to end the service, simply let us know via email at or by phone at 646.576.5717. You’ll receive a refund for any part of the month you haven’t used yet.  

Referral Program

How does the Referral Partner Program work?

At WorkBetterNow, we are on a mission of helping awesome talent, and companies fulfill their dreams and potential by expanding their capabilities. Referrals have been the cornerstone of our growth, symbolizing the trust and satisfaction our community shares. 

About the WBN Referral Partner Program: for every new business you introduce us to that becomes a client, you earn $75 each month for up to 24 months for each Remote Professional they bring on board. And the cherry on top? Your referrals get to enjoy a $150 discount for their first three months. This is our way of saying a heartfelt thanks for playing a pivotal role in broadening our reach and impact. 

How do I become a part of the Referral Partner Program?

Joining our Referral Partner Program is simple. Book a call with Marina Lara, our Referral Partner coordinator or fill the Referral Program contact form here.

Still have questions?

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