6. Standard of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

6.1 Standard of Conduct

6.1.1 Purpose and Scope

6.1.2 To provide the best possible work environment, Work Better Now expects WBN VAs to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all Team Members and the organization. The purpose of these rules is not to restrict your rights, but rather to be certain that you understand what conduct is expected and necessary.

6.1.3 Misconduct While it is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace, the following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. This list is not exhaustive; other types of conduct that threaten security, personal safety, WBN VAs welfare and Company operations are also prohibited.

  • Violation of any WBN policy, practice and/or procedure
  • Neglect of job responsibilities or unsatisfactory performance
  • Falsification, misrepresentation or alteration of employment records, employment information, or other Company records.
  • Recording the work time of another WBN VA or allowing any other WBN VA to record your work time, or falsifying any timecard, either your own or another WBN VA’s.
  • Displaying indifference or rudeness towards a client or fellow WBN VA; or any disorderly/antagonistic conduct.
  • Failing to obtain permission to leave work for any reason during normal working hours.
  • Sleeping or loitering on scheduled work time.
  • Solicitations or distribution of any nature on Work Better Now property during scheduled work time.

6.1.4 Gross Misconduct Examples of misconduct regarded by WBN as gross misconduct (and this is not an exhaustive list) are set out below.

  • Theft or unauthorized possession of, or deliberate damage to, property belonging to WBN, the Client, or another member of staff or VA, industry links, or vendors.
  • Misuse (including willful or negligent disclosure) of confidential information
  • Physical violence, fighting or assault on another person
  • Use of abusive or threatening language towards another VA or member of the management team of Work Better Now or the Client.
  • Using inappropriate language such as: profanity, cussing, swearing, vulgar, obscene, abusive, or insulting language, including unwelcome name-calling and inappropriate jokes or racial slur.
  • Electronic recording of confidential meetings/discussions without seeking permission.
  • Conduct whether inside or outside working hours which may adversely affect Work Better Now’s reputation, or which reflects on your suitability for the type of work which you perform, including comments made on social media sites
  • Serious or persistent neglect of your duties or any material breach or non-observance of those duties, in particular, refusal or failure to follow reasonable instructions given by your Client, Success Coach and/or other members of the WBN management team
  • Dishonesty or fraud of any sort
  • Failure to observe any requirement of the Work Better Now’s Equality and Diversity policy including sexual, racial, or disability-based harassment
  • Unauthorized possession, copying, alteration, mutilation, retention or destruction of Work Better Now’s documents or property
  • Conviction of a criminal offence which in the opinion of Work Better Now demonstrates unsuitability for further employment with the WBN Client
  • Serious breach of Work Better Now Standard of Conduct
  • Unauthorized absence from work (including conduct incompatible with an alleged sickness or injury or other abuse of these rules and procedures).

6.2 Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

6.2.1 Purpose and scope

  1.  Work Better Now looks for and expects a high standard of behavior and conduct from all its VAs and Staff. Most behavior or conduct issues can be dealt with quickly and informally by an individual’s Success Coach or Line Manager. However, if an informal approach is inappropriate, either because it has already been ineffective or because the alleged offence is more serious, it will be necessary to follow the formal policy and procedures set out below.

  2.  This policy and procedure apply to all staff, and VAs.

6.2.2 Disciplinary Sanctions Stage 1 – Formal Verbal Warning

If your conduct does not meet acceptable standards, your immediate manager or Success Coach will, if appropriate, give you a formal verbal warning that continued or repeated misconduct may result in further disciplinary action. Stage 2 – Written Warning

If the offence is a more serious one or if the misconduct continues or is repeated, or there is a further offence of a different nature, your immediate manager or Success Coach will, if he/she believes it to be justified, give you a written warning that if your conduct does not improve during the period specified in the warning, you may be subject to further disciplinary action or, if the continuing misconduct is sufficiently serious you may be dismissed. Stage 3 – Final Written Warning

If your misconduct is sufficiently serious or if, following a written warning, there is a further incident of misconduct (whether or not of the same nature) within the period specified, your immediate manager or Success Coach may give you a final written warning, which will give details of the complaint and will warn that dismissal will result if there is any further misconduct. Stage 4 – Dismissal

If your conduct is sufficiently serious or if conduct is still unsatisfactory following written or a final written warning, you will normally be dismissed. The decision to dismiss will be taken by the CEO or in their absence, a nominee and may be with or without notice depending on the seriousness of the misconduct.

6.2.3 WBN VA Resignation and Termination Termination

You agree to provide virtual assistant services to Work Better Now clients on a full time, dedicated basis. Full-time refers to 40hrs per week or 9 hours per day with a hour break each day. WBN is a service provider and there are no long-term contracts between VA/Staff and WBN. If you wish to stop working with a WBN client, you must provide WBN with a 14-day advance notice.

WBN has the right to end services with VA at any time the WBN Client is no longer need of VA services. Final Paycheck

Final paychecks will include all compensation earned but not paid through the date of termination

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