Build a Better Construction Business with Nearshore Talent

Remote talent with diverse skills, excellent qualifications, and high motivation for your marketing firm.

photograph of Rodrigo
Rodrigo, WBN talent

The ongoing talent crisis is affecting your bottom line. Productive workers are hard to find and salary expectations keep increasing. It’s unsustainable for any construction business.

But there’s a solution closer than you think. Nearshore talent from Latin America has the construction industry experience your firm needs with proven productivity and a track record of results. And it’s all for a fraction of the cost you’d pay locally.

At WorkBetterNow, our remote professionals set themselves apart with their exceptional talent, depth of experience, and high-level commitment to delivering unmatched service. Put simply, we provide the best.

"We love when our subcontractors say, ‘You’ve got an army of people, don’t you?'" – Peter Morandi

Genesis, WBN talent

Tapping into nearshore staffing means a broader talent pool and accessing in-demand skills that may be scarce closer to home. And by partnering with WorkBetterNow, you eliminate the headache of finding and hiring nearshore construction talent by yourself. 

We’ll identify and match you with your perfect nearshore hire in as little as two weeks. WBN can help you find the right remote LATAM professionals to excel as a:

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